Samui Air Zound XL Rechargeable Horn

Customer Reviews (23)
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One of the biggest challenges of cycle-commuting is making your presence felt above the din of traffic. The Air Zound bike horn emits a 115 decibel blast that will let even the most inattentive driver know you're out there. The horn is handlebar mounted, and the air reservoir is attached to your water bottle cage or using the velcro provided anywhere you like! Easy recharging using either a bike pump or compressor. Each refill lasts for approximately fifty blasts. Volume can be regulated with the turn of a switch.

- Recharge with any bike pump or compressor
- No batteries or cartridges required
- Quick release clamp
- Includes 2 clamps: regular and oversized
- Includes extra AZ attaching strap (use it to secure the air bottle in cage or on frame)
- Volume control

NOTE: Colour of sleeve may vary (either black or red)
Product Reviews (23)
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Product Reviews (23)
Overall Product Rating 4.4 / 5
Loud. Simple, effective design
By andrew sprod
27 Mar 2025
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsToo many tubes etc for touring in my view
ProsLoud. Simple set up
Great noise. Startled my family when i tried it out indoors.
Easy to set up, but a bit bulky with too many tubes for touring. Would be great on commutes or day rides
By Richard
18 Jul 2024
5 / 5
I recommend this product
It is very loud as advertised. I have a bell for most encounters with pedestrians. This horn is for alerting motorists to my presence when necessary. I should work good for this.
REALLY Loud...!
By John Somers
13 Jul 2024
4 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsLack of robustness, awkward to fit use on flat bars
ProsREALLY loud, easy to fit, easy to charge & easy to use
OK, this is my second Samui air horn, the first is over a decade old and working fine though I leave that fitted to my London
Good but fragile
By Paul
03 Jun 2024
4 / 5
As with other reviews shown here, I agree that the horn is very loud but the components lack robustness. This is likely due to trying to save overall product weight. However, the lack of UV protection for the connecting hose exacerbates the problem of it lasting very long, under one year in my case. It is a pity that two versions aren't manufactured since the overall design concept is works. Thus, a choice could be available, being either this cheaper model or a second more expensive product, manufactured from more robust but slightly heavier components which are guaranteed to last, say, five years. Nonetheless, one huge advantage of this product is journeying along off-road cycle paths, shared with pedestrians listening to music through headphones. A traditional bike bell is likely not to be heard above the music. The sound of this horn will be!!!
Great concept
By J.
10 Oct 2020
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsThis is my fourth one on three bikes, not especially durable, one was stolen
ProsLess likely to die. How depressing is that?
Car drivers react as if you were one of their clueless brethren. If they start to drift into your lane or cut you up, the little beep is so car-like that it will often see them swerving sharply back out of your way. I use it very sparingly and still have a bell to alert pedestrians or whatever
A good, effective air horn
By Anonymous
12 Aug 2020
4 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsFiddle to fit the button
ProsGreat idea. Loud!
A good, effective air horn that produced enough decibels to clear the path and warnprople of your presence. Fitting is a bit fiddly on the handlebars but overall very pleased
Fantastic piece of kit
By Steve
28 Mar 2020
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsOriginal bottle too small, but easily and cheaply upgraded
ProsEveryone can hear it, even from quite some distance
I've had the same unit on my bike for seven years now with no problems whatsoever. Works just as well as it always did and it's so very LOUD!!! The original reservoir bottle is a little on the small side so I've swapped it with a 1.5L pop bottle clipped into a bottle cage on the bike frame and this lasts for months before it needs refilling. Even motorists with their windows wound up and the music on can hear it. Dozy pedestrians wandering out into the road jump out of their skins when I use it, which is hilarious to watch. Thoroughly recommended!
Life savers!
By Roger
03 Nov 2017
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsExtremely loud
ProsExtremely loud
I already have two on other bikes. I only use then when I really need to because they are VERY loud. But when I do use them, I really am glad to have them!
Perfect use, weak fastener
By Erny
14 Oct 2017
4 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsWeak materials
ProsExtremely loud!
It works perfect. Very very loud! Take care with pedestrians heart attacks! Plastic pieces are weak. Also the piece to the bike is made of weak plastic. You can improve the product with some imagination.
Great Horn But Be Wary Of The Clamp Size
By Anonymous
03 May 2016
3 / 5
Consinflexible mounting clamp
I agree with other reviews that the horn is very loud and can't be matched. However, if you have drop handle bars which are oversized or oval shaped near the stem with thick bar tape along the rest, then this will not fit. The plastic clamp is not variable in size and is designed only to fit the narrow part of the tube. Fine for bikes with straight bars, but not drop bars.
Good Product Spoilt By Poor Tubing
By Anonymous
25 Mar 2013
5 / 5
ConsPoor tubing which does not stand the pressure
ProsLoud and nothing else comes near
Bought 4 of these now. They really work but don't expect more than about a year out of it. The high pressure tubing just cracks/punctures after about a year or so which means it just has to be all thrown in the bin.
Air Zound Air Horn
By RecumbentTrikeRider
21 Aug 2012
3 / 5
I recommend this product
Consneeds pumping up regularly, fragile,no remote switch,expensive to replace
Prosvery loud,very effective, lightweight,no batteries
Having used a succession of these units over many years, the Air Zound remains the best and most effective loud horn for cyclists available as even the doziest car and truck driver cannot help but hear it. It has the advantage being instantly recognisable as a familiar warning, unlike other loud battery operated sounders which emit a high pithed sound more akin to a burglar alarm or smoke detector.
Although lightweight, the plastic components are fragile which detracts from what otherwise is excellent product. If you a regular user/commuter don’t expect it to last indefinitely, before the moulding breaks/it starts leaking air/or just stops honking. My own experience is that 12 to 18 months of regular careful use is as good as it gets. At least the clamp screw these days is rustproof and doesn’t have to be cut off due to corrosion.
I continue to use an Air Zound, as I have been unable to find a durable alternative which is equally effective.
Fragile And Fiddly
By Thomas Adams
28 Jun 2012
3 / 5
Does exactly what it says but the design leaves a lot to be desired. Snapped the body from the handlebar clamp, horn material too brittle. Shame about no UV resistance. Only get about 10 toots before volume drops off.
Great Horn
By Anonymous
13 Mar 2012
5 / 5
ConsMounting position for dropped handlebars
ProsLoud, Light, effective
I echo the other comments. It is a great horn light weight but very loud. Much more effective than shouting and drivers actually take notice. It is not so good on dropped bars, however, as the handlebar mount is some way from the brakehoods, which is where your hands will probably be when you need to use the horn. I added a bar extension to bring it closer to the levers, but a remote trigger would be good.
Air Zound Horn
By herbibuzz
26 Feb 2012
5 / 5
Prosloud is good
oh yes this does the job nicely wakey wakey dozy motorists
Air Horn
By Roger Mason
31 Dec 2011
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsNone as yet
Well designed piece of kit. Only negative is that they advise UV protection as an after thought given some of the earlier comments. If it lasts more than 12 months, it will be money well spent.
Air Zound Horn
By Mike Sanderson
22 Nov 2011
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsVolume control a bit small and fiddly
ProsLoud, but adjustable
It's definitely improved since the last one I had, which unfortunately got punctured.
Air Zound Air Horn
By yvan
17 Nov 2011
4 / 5
I recommend this product
Works as advertised. The tube connecting the air canister to the horn is a little long and has the tendency to be where it shouldn't be, maybe a spiraling tube? I wonder if the horn works as well by really cold temperature, minus 20 Celsius???
Samui Air Zound 3 Bicycle A Ounted Air Horn
By Mark Winstanley
02 Nov 2011
4 / 5
I recommend this product
ConsSlightly bulky
ProsLoud, well made, easy to install, free to recharge
A good piece of kit, nice and loud.
Air Zound 3 Air Horn
By Jon Shorter
13 May 2011
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ProsExtremely loud, light and easy to install.
EXTREMELY loud.. even a short pip leaves your ears ringing if set at full power! Very lightweight. Easy installation though a handful more cable ties wouldn't have gone amiss. Looks discrete. Feel a lot safer riding with it and it's free to use again and again. Superb product, delivery both speedy and well packaged. Great.
Air Zound Air Horn
By David
26 Mar 2011
4 / 5
ConsVery short life
ProsEmbarrassingly loud
This is very loud! However, my one melted in the sun. If you buy one, don't go anywhere hot.
Air Zound - The Car Horn For Cyclists
03 Feb 2011
4 / 5
Conslarge control unit
ProsCar horn loud, batteryless, schrader valve
As a cycle commuter I was a little disappointed by the fact that the horn loses air pressure over a few days, even without use.
However, I have had opportunity to use it and it has a similar effect on drivers as a car horn - it wakes them up!

The button itself is combined with the refill valve and horn, and so it quite large - I had some issues fitting it on my trike without it fouling the front wheels. I often clip it (sounding the horn) when I sit down or turn hard right.
Air Zound Air Horn
By Nigel Hunter
06 Oct 2010
5 / 5
I recommend this product
ProsLoud, Very Loud, Brings a smile to your face
I can only describe this product as superb. It does exactly as it says on the packaging
Questions & Answers (3)
05 Sep 2020
Do you ship to the US? Can I pay with a US debit card? thank you
Hello, Indeed we do deliver to the USA- if you take your items to checkout and input your address shipping costs will automatically be calculated.
What Size Bars Will The Horn Clamp Fit Please?
20 Oct 2013

The horn comes with supplied rubber shims to fit all handlebar sizes.

How Do You Change The Volume From Hight To Low
17 Oct 2013
I tried to turn the horn on and of with the volume switch.
If you can help me out with A picture or A video I would be very happy

Thank You from Devin

The switch only has a minor affect on volume, a turn from Full to half way to negative will lower the volume slightly and keep turning to turn it off.
