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Busch & Muller have designed the USB-Werk with an integrated cache battery. It supplies 5V and up to 1A current. The battery ensures a constant voltage supply during slow riding and / or stops. For this reason the USB-Werk is a perfect fit for charging / powering USB devices such as mobile phones, GPS, MP3 player. The unit is supplied with cable and USB socket.

- Measurements: 32 (W) x 88 (L) x 23 (H) mm
- Can be used with the Universal Cockpit Adapter
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Questions & Answers (6)
Can this be directly connected to a Son 28 dynamo hub?
01 Mar 2023
Can this be connected directly to my Son 28 dynamo hub and to use for just charging my equipment?
Thank you for your enquiry, yes this can be connected to a SON 28 with spade connectors & then used to charge a device.
Kind Regards. JP 01/03/23
Have an old one not used for a couple of years how can i check it is working
03 Aug 2022
Tried a couple of rides plugged into phone no significant% change on phone indicator. If not working can internal battery be replaced?
The only way to test is to run it on the bike and attempt to charge something, the internal battery is nonreplaceable.

JK 04.08.22
Is the USB output connector waterprooof?
23 Jan 2020
We would say that the USB Werk is water resistant & not water proof, the connectors are fairly well protected within the housings however persistent heavy rain could eventually have an affect.
Kind Regards. 23/01/20
Can It Charge Iphones?
13 Mar 2017
Your website says the E week can't charge iPhones. Can the USB werk?

As the output is regulated at a fixed amp rating on the USB Werk it is indeed suitable for use with IPhones.

Is It Possible To Plug A Ewerk Usb Charging Device Into My Schmidt Edelux Head Light
12 Mar 2017

the charging device will need to be wired directly into the dynamo as the rear output from the front light will not be sufficient to charge it. Depending on your dynamo you should be able to wire the light and charging device directly into the hub using piggy-back connectors.

Should I Disconect My Usb Werk When Not In Use?
03 Dec 2015

We would recommend if possible disconnecting the USB Werk from the hub when not in use as it will still provide extra drag to the rolling of the hub. It is however completely up to you if you remove it completely from the bike, this would take longer for removal and re-instalment but would mean that you didn't have an electrical device and wiring sat on your frame exposed to the elements when its not even being used.
