Sturmey Archer Axle 163mm PRE-NIG AW - HSA370
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Detailed information and exploded diagrams for all Sturmey Archer parts can be found at Sturmey Archer - click here, Sturmey Archer Historical Hub Archive - click here or Tony Hadlands Pages - click here
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Questions & Answers (2)
aw hub 00-1
By Anonymous
10 Nov 2017
hi ,i have a aw 3spd hub 163mm axle ,hub marked 00-1,is this likely to fit please ?
SJS Customer Service:
Sturmey Archer used to stamp the year on the hub shell, so we're going to assume your hub is from the year 2000 in which case this would not be the correct axle as your hub would have been post the change to NIG. We do stock the correct axle for this and it is SJSC part 19164.
Sturmey Archer used to stamp the year on the hub shell, so we're going to assume your hub is from the year 2000 in which case this would not be the correct axle as your hub would have been post the change to NIG. We do stock the correct axle for this and it is SJSC part 19164.
By Matt
02 Jul 2016
I have a kt6 shell in a tandem wheel. The innards are not k series and as far as I can tell are AW. The axle is not long enough on the LH side and I think this will sort it. I've compared with Tony Hadland's pdf stuff and the SA lay on chart. My existing axle is 159mm long.
SJS Customer Service:
Unfortunately for something of this age we won't be able to offer any definite confirmation I'm afraid. From the information you have given this would be the axle we'd have recommended anyway so hopefully this is suitable.
Unfortunately for something of this age we won't be able to offer any definite confirmation I'm afraid. From the information you have given this would be the axle we'd have recommended anyway so hopefully this is suitable.