Rixen & Kaul Rear Carrier Klick-Fix Adapter Plate KG801
Manufacturer :
SJS Cycles part number :
Manufacturer part number :
Enables you to mount any kind of box or meshed basket onto a rear carrier. This adapter plate is the basis of an excellent and varied range of rear panniers.
- Designed to be used in conjunction with KG804 Retro Kit
- Boxes / baskets are lockable by a central bar, which can be quickly released by pressing the red button
- Will mount onto any luggage carrier up to 145 mm wide by means of two bridges
- Panniers can be suspended via side slits
- Box / basket is mounted via 4 screws
- Size (W/H/D): 145 x 300 x 19mm
Note: This adapter needs to be mounted onto a planned surface (therefore in certain cases the spring clamp will need to be removed).
- Designed to be used in conjunction with KG804 Retro Kit
- Boxes / baskets are lockable by a central bar, which can be quickly released by pressing the red button
- Will mount onto any luggage carrier up to 145 mm wide by means of two bridges
- Panniers can be suspended via side slits
- Box / basket is mounted via 4 screws
- Size (W/H/D): 145 x 300 x 19mm
Note: This adapter needs to be mounted onto a planned surface (therefore in certain cases the spring clamp will need to be removed).
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Questions & Answers (5)
Will these fit Altura pannier bags with Rixen & Kaul fixings?
By Stuart Purves
16 Feb 2025
Can you tell me the width of the two slots on each side, their depth and the distance between them. I have Altura panniers with R & K fixings. These comprise bars with two downward facing tabs on each bag. The tabs are 25mm wide, 33mm deep and are spaced 198mm between centres.
SJS Customer Service:
The slots are 38mm wide 16mm deep and 154mm apart SK 18/02/25
Can I use this with a Tortec Velocity rack
By Tim
17 Nov 2023
I'm thinking that as the Tortec rack is so narrow it may be possible to mount the GTA adapter with the screws outside the rack frame which I think is narrower than the 93mm specified for this adapter.
SJS Customer Service:
We have not attempted to fit the backet to a rack that narrow, we cannot confirm it will be compatible. SK 17/11/23
Is this suitable for fitting to a Brompton 2019 rack?
By Brian Davies
25 Apr 2020
SJS Customer Service:
yes, from the descrition: Will mount onto any luggage carrier up to 145 mm RT27/04/2020
Can I use the adaptor with Raleigh Stow-E-way ebike?
By David
30 May 2019
1. Can the Rixen & Kaul Klick-Fix Adapter Plate KG801 be fitted on the rear bicycle rack of a Raleigh Stow-E-way ebike?
2. Once a basket is fixed to the adaptor, do screws have to be unscrewed to detach the basket from the adaptor or is there a simpler way of detaching the basket from the adaptor (or alternatively an easy way of detaching both adaptor and basket from the bike) without needing a screwdriver to hand.
2. Once a basket is fixed to the adaptor, do screws have to be unscrewed to detach the basket from the adaptor or is there a simpler way of detaching the basket from the adaptor (or alternatively an easy way of detaching both adaptor and basket from the bike) without needing a screwdriver to hand.
SJS Customer Service:
Hi, we can't be sure if it will fit or not. We do not have access to a Raleigh Stow-E-way ebike. The basket detaches by pressing the red lever, to remove the adaptor from the box or basket you need a screwdriver. Thanks 31/05/2019
Is This Unit Suitable For A Tubus Carry Titanium Rack
By Anonymous
27 Jul 2015
SJS Customer Service:
Unfortunately due to the short and narrow nature of the top plate of the Tubus Carry Rack, this Rixen and Kaul adapter cannot be safely mounted to it.
Unfortunately due to the short and narrow nature of the top plate of the Tubus Carry Rack, this Rixen and Kaul adapter cannot be safely mounted to it.